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Critical Power

What is it? Why should I use it? How do you calcaulte it.


What is it?

Critical power (CP) represents the boundary between the severe and heavy intensity domain. Between steady state and non-steady state. Each domain has physiological characteristics. We use it as an aerobic parameter of fitness. It is underpinned by type 1 muscle fibre types and capillary density around these fibres.

It also is about about getting O2 to the muscle and using it.


How to Calculate it

There are multiple methods, please see our blog on this. There are options available on WKO5, but it is very easy to do in Excel. Download the following sheet. 


What is W'

The other element it provides is W' which is a set amount of work above CP that you can complete before task failure. It predicts tolerance to severe-intensity exercise. Measured in kJ.


Collectively we use these values to understand your physiology.


W' is also NOT anaerobic capacity. I can't stress this enough! 



How long you can sustain it for is based on how well-trained you are. on average it's is 30-40 minutes, it has been up to 75 minutes and as low as 20

W' Recovery Kinetics

Someone, somewhere posted a version of W' recovery calculator, stating it was exclusive to them. Here it is. We also wouldn't advise using it, read more on there to find out why 


Online Calcualtor

Please feel free to use our online calculator. We have a simple 3 and 12 version and much more. If you want help, or would like to know more just drop us a message at the bottom

Easy to Conduct

There is still not hiding with testing, it requires a maximal effort, no matter which way you look at it. We typically combine them in the same ride, with 30-40 minutes recovery. We sometimes do this on a separate day if needed. But it makes no difference. [We have a research paper on this very question]

Established in Research and WT Cycling

Used  throughout many world tour and pro cycling teams. Does this means its the best thing to use? of course not. There are many methods/ways you can test. The question you need to ask first. Will this information be useful to me and is it telling me the information I need?  Will it help inform progress & training direction? Along with this, can I make it specific to my event demands? 

Ability to Model depletion and recovery of W' [W'BAL Modeling]

This is Alex's PhD in a nutshell. Not only are we informed by the latest research, we are informing the latest research. We have normative data, custom recovery data, information on how to individualise and use this as an effective tool, a large part of this is currently not publicly available. [Sneak peak below]

Insight into your Physiology

I hear this phrase way to much. What does this overused phrase really mean? For us we look at your CP & W' ratio, We look at your short duration and peak powers. This together with your training/race data in addition to your race demands. It helps us understand what style of rider you are. As depending on this CP/W' ratio we inform us what you are likely to respond to. 

If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.

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